Friday, May 25, 2018

It's been a while. Time is tough, need to man up.

Been a while since I write a blog. The more we step to the future, the tougher it gets for us as we get older. Body ache more, mood swing more, and still need to keep calm and patient. As we grow old, we substitute innocence with wisdom, power to ache, health to sickness. Getting old is not fun.

Most of the time my head spins so fast, I can no longer make sense of things. Problems comes like hurricane punching my face all at the same time, not even allowing me time to breath. I used to hate the night when I was child because night often relate to scary stuff. Now, as I get older, I am loving the night because at night all the problems sleeps for a while. The night is the time for me to breath... if I am lucky. Still anxiousness and worries linger.

My face may show calmness, but inside my head often time storm brew. Still. Thank you Jesus. I love you GOD.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I my recent life, I often found about people hating another people due to simple things, such as other person's words, photos, expressions, articles, achievements, purchases, negative imaginations about other person's motive and actions towards another, and many more simple things that does not really affect the hater's life nor causes the hater's possession to diminish nor to cause any bad effects on the hater's life, materials, nor self.

This makes me sad. Truly, not something worth your life to sacrifice... if anyone know what I mean.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Obeying Orders (Indonesian, english please use google translate :) )

Obeying Orders

Dahulu kala, ada seorang raja yang sedang dalam misi untuk menaklukkan sebuah kota yang sangat kuat pertahanannya. Sang raja mentargetkan dalam 1 bulan kota tersebut harus sudah bisa dikuasai.

Namun sudah lebih dari sebulan kota tersebut masih belum berhasil direbut. Setelah diselidiki oleh sang raja, ternyata para prajurit mengaku bahwa jatah makan mereka berkurang.

Maka bertanyalah sang raja kepada juru masak pasukan tentang jatah makanan yang berkurang. Sang juru masak berkata bahwa untuk berjaga-jaga kalau proses penyerbuannya mundur, maka sang juru masak mengurangi jatah makan dari yang sudah diperintahkan sang raja. Sebagai buktinya, sudah sebulan lebih pasukan masih belum bisa menaklukkan kota, namun makanan masih tersedia.

Maka sang raja berkata pada sang juru masak,"Hai juru masak, sungguh aku hargai maksud baikmu itu. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari maksud baikmu, saya ingin memohon bantuanmu sekali lagi. Saya harus meminjam kepalamu untuk kesuksesan misi ini."

Maka dipasunglah di juru masak itu dan sambil membawa kepala si juru masak yang sudah dipasung, sang raja membuat pengumuman kepada pasukannya:"Si juru masak sudah melakukan pengurangan jatah makanan tanpa seijin saya dan akibatnya lebih dari sebulan kota masih tidak bisa ditaklukkan. Sekarang ini jatah makanan sudah tinggal 2 minggu saja. Saya akan mendoble jatah makan seluruh pasukkan dari sisa makanan yang ada. Jika dalam waktu 1 minggu kota masih tidak bisa ditaklukkan, maka seluruh pasukan akan mengalami nasib yang sama seperti juru masak ini!"

Alhasil dalam waktu kurang dari 1 minggu, kota yang pertahanannya kuat tersebut berhasil ditaklukkan oleh pasukan sang raja.

Moral cerita ini: BELAJARLAH MENDENGAR PERINTAH DENGAN BAIK! Pemimpin memberikan perintah karena ada tujuan tertentu yang terkadang kita tidak tahu. Lebih baik lagi jika kita belajar mendengar, bukan memutuskan keputusan sepihak.

Semoga cerita ini bisa memberkati banyak orang. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Someone actually read my Blog!

Two days ago, I started to think of writing my blog again. Just for exercising my writing. Then, I saw some weird icon on the comment tab. So I open the comment tab and yes! Someone read my blog :).

I never really think of publishing my blog nor exposing it to the world, but it feels good when someone pays attention to you. Something that most people sometimes ungrateful for.

So thank you to Adam Pastor who read my blog.
Happy new year 2012 to all of you!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fear 2.0

Boy... Its been a while since I wrote my blogs... Too much things to do to catch up with my dreams. Every time I paused for a while and think I just realized that I am not accelerating as fast as some people does...

Tonight I just realized that my money is running very thin. Meanwhile I have lots of things coming that needs funding to keep the company running. Meanwhile, lots of my customer have not paid their dues. If I asked most of them postponed and got a lot of excuses for postponement.

But my biggest fear is how can I make my self better each moment. How to make more permanent income and faster rate and reduce fees. I worked by myself, no rich parent to back, no brothers to back, nor investor to put money. I have lots of things to learn and lots of things to do.

Aaaagh what to do... I even felt jealous of people who got rich so fast, can travel all over the world because they are "prepared" by their parents. What makes me jealous is that these people are what you called "unrighteous" people. Yet, they enjoy the money and all the comfort of steady income without doing anything while I have to fight hard to make the daily life for my company. Heck, even my house is still on lease to 3 people and I cannot make payment to one of my money lender.

Then again... I really do not know what to do except present my fears, worries, and sadness to GOD.

Help me GOD.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Technology. Is it a solution or more headache?

These years new technology emerged. Laptops keep getting cheaper and smaller, PC is getting left behind. Phones becomes smarter. Cars become more technologically advanced, TVs got slimmer, Internet becomes 2.0, Black Berry is a HIT. In other words, new technology emerges, offering better connection, better reach, better efficiency. But the question remains.. does it provide better life? Happier life?

Recently, the most happening fashion and technology is Black Berry. People can message one another in an instant. All emails are being pushed to the Black Berry in no time. Lot's of my customers and colleague showed me how cool Black Berry is and it is simple to use.

On the other hand I had a boss who owned one of the biggest software company. He does not have any plasma TV or LCD TV, no laptop, only PC at his desk, and get this... he got no cell phone... I mean in this day and age, no cell phone!? I mean, he is supposed to be one of the most technologically advanced person, since he own tech company and he is a programmer... meaning supposed to be a tech guy. His reason was simple... SIMPLICITY IN LIFE.

WOOOOOW... that means all the gadgets and stuffs that we have may actually cause us more headache instead of helping our lives. I kept thinking about it and it may have the truth in that statement. Think about these:

1. Before cell phone. We use letter. Getting a reply 3 months later is a great gift. But now with cell phone, if you don't get a reply in one second, they you will get frustrated. The same goes to the other person. If you don't reply back the SMS in one second, the other party will think you are ignoring them.

2. BlackBerry, just a worse form of cellphone with faster SMS system. For a while it seems fun to be able to receive messages instantly, but soon, too many messages comes in, wanting to be replied ASAP, while you are still in the middle of works that require concentration or physical effort that prevent you from replying back. Then people will think you are ignoring them since they know you had Black Berry, you should be getting the message SOON and will not be FAILING to send. At least SMS can still fail in sending. You can use this as an excuse to rest yourselves.

3. Instant messenger. So instant it bothers me so much.

4. With new cheaper and smaller laptop. You can carry your works everywhere. So, no more excuse not to finish on schedule. But beware, the schedule gets tighter since you can work any where and any time. What people forgot is that you need time for rest, for yourselves, and especially for GOD. In other words with the advancing of technology people will expect you to sacrifice all that personal times for them only.

Even during writing this blog, I was interrupted with 2 phones, make that 4, no 5, phone calls, and 6 instant messages and 3 SMSes. I need about 1 minute to get back to what I was doing each time I am interrupted, not to mention work colleagues that needs to talk to you about software engineering.

Can you imagine what happened if I had a BlackBerry? That is why although many people suggest me to get BlackBerry, I don't want to. It's like getting $700 tools to make you more stress. And that is stupid to buy things that make you stressed. Why don't you just hire a super expensive professional killer to kill yourselves.

Lastly, all the people that owns Black Berry that I know of and that uses it for working no longer "INSTANTLY" reply back to any messages sent to their Black Berry. They just looked at the message, sigh, and then put the Black Berry on the table for later if their headache healed before they can reply back.

So... choose your poison.

Is Jesus GOD?

Well... after a long time not writing due to my excessive business and laziness. Here we go again. As I read the Bible, one question came back to me after a while, which is: Is Jesus really a GOD. As most people know, Christian believes in GOD as Trinity, which are The Father (Jehova), The Son (Jesus), and The Holy Spirit.

This is saying that Jesus IS GOD. With this blog I would just to voice what I have read and experienced about Jesus, then it is up to the readers to decide if he is Your GOD or not. But, this is going to be a marathon, so please be patient with me.

The facts About Jesus is GOD:
The almost very beginning of Bible VS The almost very end of Bible:
Genesis 18: 1-15 Vs Revelation 19: 9-10 Vs Many of Chapters about Jesus
Recap: In Genesis, Abraham met with GOD in Trinity form and he fell down to earth and worship them (one of them is Jesus - according to scholar opinion). While in Revelation, John met with angel and worship the angel as well, but the angel forbid John for worshiping the angel and the angel said that John should only worship GOD. Now compare this event to Jesus time on earth where every time he met with a devil possessed individuals, the devil always fall down and cowers in front of Him. Only the human who did not realize who he is did not bow down because it was meant to be like that so that the Lamb of GOD may be sacrificed for human sake.

Also, many miracles happened from Jesus that he just commanded to happen, for example, the case of a sick woman (due to 12 years of hemorrhages, ouch!) who believed that if she just touch Jesus's robe, then she will be healed instantly. Now where in the world or outside world, in the past, present, and future this has ever happened? Or who in any lifetime can ever commanded a ravaging storm to stop in an instant? Or who can walk on top of water SLOOOOOOWWWLY?? Even Jesus Lizard must run like hell to be able to perform walking on the water... muahahahahahaha... Please click the link to know more about Jesus Lizard... very funny one.

This never happened to any other individual of GOD that is written in Bible. Even to the apostle, no one or nothing worshiped them nor can they command anything. Plus, when Jesus raise anyone from the dead, he never prayed, he just tell them to raise up. Kapaaoow!!

The morale: Look at what the devil did to know whether Jesus is GOD or not. And if anyone still say that Jesus is not GOD, that means he is not smarter than the devil. Unless if that person does not believe in GOD.... That is for another chapter to discuss.

GOD bless you all... in Jesus name! Which is also GOD